Trademark is a name or symbol on a product that shows it was made by a particular company, and that it cannot be used by other companies without permission. A trademark is proprietary and is usually registered to assure its exclusive use by its owner or licensee.
We would like to introduce you with main reasons to register trademark:
- exclusive rights on the trademark gives you freedom to use it within the relevant geographic area or globally;
- it will protect your trademark by avoiding situation when other company use your or closely similar name, brand, logo or design;
- your business looks more likable for potential investors. Trademark registration not only increases security, but also aids clarity in any merger or franchising of the business, positively impacting its perceived value;
- registration of trademark exclude situation when you start business and once you find out that someone is using the similar already trademarked (not by you) representative element of company or design. If you have to change your business name you could confuse your customers. to redo all of your business cards, name information on website, advertising. If you already have registered a domain name, you will have to change that as well;
- you can sale your registered trademark.
Of course, it’s your choice to register trademark or not but take into consideration that some companies can consult you regarding national and international registration of trademarks, use of exclusive rights on the trademark, sale of the trademark, its transfer to other persons.