Monday, April 22, 2013

Business in Latvia: Quotes from wise men - compilation

Here are all compilation of quotes from wise men I have acquired. More to come, but for now check what Albert Einstein has said about income tax or Steve Jobs on mistakes:

  1. Business in Latvia: Enterprises success, a quote by Niccolo Machiavelli
  2. Business in Latvia: Effort and reward, a quote by Napoleon Hill
  3. Business in Latvia: Innovations and mistakes, a quote by Steve Jobs
  4. Business in Latvia: The customer is the boss, a quote by Sam Walton
  5. Business in Latvia: No hope, keep trying, a quote by Dale Carnegie
  6. Business in Latvia: Majority opinion, a quote by Mark Twain
  7. Business in Latvia: Income tax, a quote by Albert Einstein
  8. Business in Latvia: Secret to success, a quote by Colin Powell

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