There are 2 types of LLC in Latvia which are low capital LLC and the regular LLC.
A limited liability company is a commercial company whose share capital consists of the total nominal value of the share capital.
A limited liability company is a closed company and its shares are not publicly traded. The company is a legal entity.
- The minimum share capital is 2800 EUR;
- The founders may be individuals(natural persons) and juristic persons;
- Fixed capital can be paid with cash or property.
A limited liability company is a commercial company whose share capital consists of the total nominal value of the share capital.
A limited liability company is a closed company and its shares are not publicly traded. The company is a legal entity.
- EUR 1-2799 share capital;
- The founders and participants are only individuals (natural persons) and their maximum number is five;
- Board members may be held only by members of the LLC;
- A participant may only be at the one low capital company;
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